Monday, October 5, 2015

 Hater and trolls (activity a)
  Basically trolls are people online targeting people to bully for the fun of it. Trolls make peoples life miserable, sometimes they just decide to make one persons life miserable then another. Sometimes trolls are people taking their anger out on other people. Other times there just doing it for the fun of it. Most of the time trolls target sites that have just resently lost someone. How horrible is that? Imagine losing someone and someone is bullying you for it. That's basically what trolls are and what they do.

Sources: common sense media

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Haters and Trolls
  1. Why might people turn to social-networking sites to mourn the loss of a friend, family member , or community member? How might public grieving online help people through a tough time such as this?
  People might do that because they might of lost someone and they are probably taking their anger out on other people.
 2. Put yourself in the shoes of someone trolling a memorial page. What are your motives? What are you hoping will happen after you post something insensitive or offensive.
  That they will feel horrible and never stop crying. They would never ever get over what happened.
 3. People may feel that its easier to say or do things online than in person. In what ways might this be good thing? In what way might this be a bad thing?
  This might be a good thing because when someone says something mean and horrible to your face it makes it kind of worse than you reading it. Either way is bad though you should never say something horrible to anyone.
 4.Theres a common saying online: " don't feed the trolls" (meaning don't react to trolls, because that's what they want). Do you think people should ignore and report trolls on memorial pages? If people don't, what might happen?
 I think people should because what trolls do is horrible and they need to be shut down. If people don't its just going to get worse.
 5. Have you ever read a social-network sites statement of rights and responsibilities? If so, what do you remember about it? If not what do you think it addresses?(then go check one out)
 I have read one before and it was really hard to read because of the horrible things trolls say to these people that have recently lost someone.
 6. Facebook mentioned "self-regulating" in its statement to ABC news, and then it talked about the tools and resources it gives users. What do you think about this? What would social networks be like if users didn't get to regulate content?

 I think its bad that trolls resources are peoples posts. If people didn't post anything there wouldn't be any trolls because that's what they feed on.