Monday, October 5, 2015

 Hater and trolls (activity a)
  Basically trolls are people online targeting people to bully for the fun of it. Trolls make peoples life miserable, sometimes they just decide to make one persons life miserable then another. Sometimes trolls are people taking their anger out on other people. Other times there just doing it for the fun of it. Most of the time trolls target sites that have just resently lost someone. How horrible is that? Imagine losing someone and someone is bullying you for it. That's basically what trolls are and what they do.

Sources: common sense media

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Haters and Trolls
  1. Why might people turn to social-networking sites to mourn the loss of a friend, family member , or community member? How might public grieving online help people through a tough time such as this?
  People might do that because they might of lost someone and they are probably taking their anger out on other people.
 2. Put yourself in the shoes of someone trolling a memorial page. What are your motives? What are you hoping will happen after you post something insensitive or offensive.
  That they will feel horrible and never stop crying. They would never ever get over what happened.
 3. People may feel that its easier to say or do things online than in person. In what ways might this be good thing? In what way might this be a bad thing?
  This might be a good thing because when someone says something mean and horrible to your face it makes it kind of worse than you reading it. Either way is bad though you should never say something horrible to anyone.
 4.Theres a common saying online: " don't feed the trolls" (meaning don't react to trolls, because that's what they want). Do you think people should ignore and report trolls on memorial pages? If people don't, what might happen?
 I think people should because what trolls do is horrible and they need to be shut down. If people don't its just going to get worse.
 5. Have you ever read a social-network sites statement of rights and responsibilities? If so, what do you remember about it? If not what do you think it addresses?(then go check one out)
 I have read one before and it was really hard to read because of the horrible things trolls say to these people that have recently lost someone.
 6. Facebook mentioned "self-regulating" in its statement to ABC news, and then it talked about the tools and resources it gives users. What do you think about this? What would social networks be like if users didn't get to regulate content?

 I think its bad that trolls resources are peoples posts. If people didn't post anything there wouldn't be any trolls because that's what they feed on.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Haters and Trolls
  The biggest takeaway got from this video was. That people target people just say so many rude and horrible things.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Video A
 1. What do you think about the real-world objects ( for example, a sliding lock, a typewriter, and traffic light colors)that inspired the iphones interface? Do you think people noticed these everyday references?
 I like the real-world objects, because we are used to them so it wouldn't be hard to get used to the phone. People probably didn't notice, because like I said we are so used to everyday things that we wouldn't noticed.
 2. Why do you think Apple chose to reference physical objects more literally in the iphone (for example, with a book shelf, a calendar, and a tape deck)?
 Apple chose to do that so the phone wouldn't be confusing when we are on it. We are used to everyday things, so it wouldn't be hard to get used to your phone.
3. Can you think of any other real-world objects that digital products would benefit from mimicking?

   They make apps that are like real-world things. For example there's a fifa world cup so they made an app for it.

4. Do you think its ok for companies to copy the look or feel of other companies products when making their own devices

 I don't think its ok because if it takes years for a company to make this great product and someone just copies it and I was working for the company I would be pretty mad.

 5. What do you think about ios 7 simplified, flatter, more iconic look? Why do you think this look became popular? Who decides what's popular and what's not?

 I  personally like the ios 7 update it looks nicer and more advanced and that's why it probably got popular. Famous people are probably the people who decide if something's going to popular.

6. The filmmaker and narrator, Kirby, says, " perhaps its not fair for us to except surprise and delight from smartphones anymore. Perhaps, for that, we need a new frontier- a new blank slate." Do you agree? What do you envision?

 I don't agree smart phones are very helpful. For example say you don't know what something is, you can quickly look it up. Smart phones will always be popular unless something way bigger and better comes.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Copy-Paste Culture
    The biggest takeaway I got from this video was. That no one makes their own things, they are all copied from other people. They were just changed in a different way.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Movers and Shakers Video B
 1. Take a look at the tweets from @westhighbros. What kinds of compliments do you see?

  I saw very nice and encouraging tweets that would make people feel better. The tweets that the @westhighbros sends would defiantly make someone's day.

2. @westhighbros became popular by the word or mouth . How do you think something like this caught on? Why do you think such "communities of kindness" are growing in popularity?

 I think this caught on by people that have been bullied. Lots of people get bullied everyday. Its not just some people that get bullied everyone gets bullied. Even popular kid get bullied, so that's how it probably spread throughout the school.

3. Jeremiah says so many people get cyberbullied online because " they're less than perfect". Do you agree? Do you think there is a definition of "perfect"?

 No, I do not agree no one is perfect everyone is unique in their own way. If there is a definition of perfect, there should be. There is no such thing as perfect.

4. What do you think about the first tweet listed here? It says, " You don't need an anonymous twitter account to give people compliments." Do you think being anonymous makes it easier to give someone a sincere compliment? Does the anonymity change the impact of the compliment at all.

 I think its better to be anonymous because if someone, someone doesn't like they probably wouldn't believe them. It would probably make it easier to be anonymous. The impact of the compliment would probably change because like I said before if someone doesn't like someone they probably wouldn't believe them.

5. Take a look at Ally's message to Westhigh Bros. Have you ever thanked someone for and act of kindness? How important is it for people to show their appreciation for others good deeds?

Yes, I have thanked someone for doing a good deed. Its pretty important for people to appreciate good deeds, because if you don't there's no point for people to do good deeds.

6. Have you ever had a cyberbulling-prevention assembly, discussion, or lesson at your school? How did it compare to a peer-to-peer initiative such as this?

 Yes, we have had an assembly for cyberbullying at our school. They compare because they are both about how bad cyberbulling is.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Movers and Shakers

 The biggest takeaway from the video was. That girls on magazines aren't imaged the way they are, they are changed. Magazines change the way girls look, they might change the way they look or there body structure to make them look better. That was the biggest takeaway from the video.

Monday, September 7, 2015

 1. KK says that he and his wife make a 200- year plan because they like to live "larger than life". What do you think he means by this? Is living "larger than life" similar to or different from #YOLO?

 He wants to live larger than life so he wont life in the past, he wants to explore the future. This is a lot like #YOLO because YOLO means you only live once, so you make the most of it. That's why its a lot alike.

 2. KK says, "I really make decisions all the time about how I want to remember myself". Do you live that way, too? What can we gain by thinking about how we want to remember ourselves, about our own impressions of who we are and the decisions we've made?

  I would do things to remember myself, but I wouldn't do anything crazy our dangerous. You can still remember yourself by doing something good or achiving something great, it doesn't have to be anything bad.

 3. KK shows an embarrassing photo of himself as a kid that his mom posted on Facebook and talks about how he asked her to take it down. "Maybe we are the first generation to understand the digital  curating ourselves... Maybe we are the first to actively even record our lives," he says. How do your friends and family members help create your digital traces? Are there things you've asked people to untag or take down?

  They takes pictures of us and save them or post them. There has been things I've asked to take down because if you look really bad you don't want every one looking at that photo.

 4. If you were to create a painting of your digital life thus far, what would it look like? What things would you want to include?

  It would probably look like a timeline of my life. I would want to include the sports I play and all my friends.

 5. KK says that he doesn't think of himself as moving forward it time. He thinks of his future moving backward toward him. As in a game, he dodges things and makes decisions as he goes. Can you think of parts of your future that are coming toward you? Things you might dodge? Things you might move toward?

I can only think of the future that is really close like the weekend. Thinking of when your older is kind of hard because you don't know what is going to happen when your older.

 6. What are three words you would use to describe the legacy you want for yourself.

    The three words I would use to describe a legacy, I want for my self would be proud, successful, and happy. The reason way is because when I'm older I want to be able to look back and be proud of what I have done with my life. Also I want a successful legacy because I don't want to be none as the girl that didn't do anything in her life. Last but not least I want a happy legacy, I don't want to be miserable throughout my life I want to be happy with what ever I'm doing.


Monday, August 31, 2015

      A guy on the #YOLO video tweeted " Drunk af going 120 drifting corners Yolo", and he died a few minutes later. That's why that part of the video had the most impact on me because that's very sad and scary.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Creative Publications

          I learned many things researching my first hoax in my creative publications class. The hoax I researched was called the Derbyshire fairy hoax. It was about a man who decide to play an April fools prank on social media. So my group and I made a video of a news cast about the hoax. We used movie maker to edit our video. I learned a lot about editing videos, and its not that easy. Those are some of the things I learned and did in my creative publications class.