Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Movers and Shakers Video B
 1. Take a look at the tweets from @westhighbros. What kinds of compliments do you see?

  I saw very nice and encouraging tweets that would make people feel better. The tweets that the @westhighbros sends would defiantly make someone's day.

2. @westhighbros became popular by the word or mouth . How do you think something like this caught on? Why do you think such "communities of kindness" are growing in popularity?

 I think this caught on by people that have been bullied. Lots of people get bullied everyday. Its not just some people that get bullied everyone gets bullied. Even popular kid get bullied, so that's how it probably spread throughout the school.

3. Jeremiah says so many people get cyberbullied online because " they're less than perfect". Do you agree? Do you think there is a definition of "perfect"?

 No, I do not agree no one is perfect everyone is unique in their own way. If there is a definition of perfect, there should be. There is no such thing as perfect.

4. What do you think about the first tweet listed here? It says, " You don't need an anonymous twitter account to give people compliments." Do you think being anonymous makes it easier to give someone a sincere compliment? Does the anonymity change the impact of the compliment at all.

 I think its better to be anonymous because if someone, someone doesn't like they probably wouldn't believe them. It would probably make it easier to be anonymous. The impact of the compliment would probably change because like I said before if someone doesn't like someone they probably wouldn't believe them.

5. Take a look at Ally's message to Westhigh Bros. Have you ever thanked someone for and act of kindness? How important is it for people to show their appreciation for others good deeds?

Yes, I have thanked someone for doing a good deed. Its pretty important for people to appreciate good deeds, because if you don't there's no point for people to do good deeds.

6. Have you ever had a cyberbulling-prevention assembly, discussion, or lesson at your school? How did it compare to a peer-to-peer initiative such as this?

 Yes, we have had an assembly for cyberbullying at our school. They compare because they are both about how bad cyberbulling is.

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