Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Video A
 1. What do you think about the real-world objects ( for example, a sliding lock, a typewriter, and traffic light colors)that inspired the iphones interface? Do you think people noticed these everyday references?
 I like the real-world objects, because we are used to them so it wouldn't be hard to get used to the phone. People probably didn't notice, because like I said we are so used to everyday things that we wouldn't noticed.
 2. Why do you think Apple chose to reference physical objects more literally in the iphone (for example, with a book shelf, a calendar, and a tape deck)?
 Apple chose to do that so the phone wouldn't be confusing when we are on it. We are used to everyday things, so it wouldn't be hard to get used to your phone.
3. Can you think of any other real-world objects that digital products would benefit from mimicking?

   They make apps that are like real-world things. For example there's a fifa world cup so they made an app for it.

4. Do you think its ok for companies to copy the look or feel of other companies products when making their own devices

 I don't think its ok because if it takes years for a company to make this great product and someone just copies it and I was working for the company I would be pretty mad.

 5. What do you think about ios 7 simplified, flatter, more iconic look? Why do you think this look became popular? Who decides what's popular and what's not?

 I  personally like the ios 7 update it looks nicer and more advanced and that's why it probably got popular. Famous people are probably the people who decide if something's going to popular.

6. The filmmaker and narrator, Kirby, says, " perhaps its not fair for us to except surprise and delight from smartphones anymore. Perhaps, for that, we need a new frontier- a new blank slate." Do you agree? What do you envision?

 I don't agree smart phones are very helpful. For example say you don't know what something is, you can quickly look it up. Smart phones will always be popular unless something way bigger and better comes.

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