Monday, September 7, 2015

 1. KK says that he and his wife make a 200- year plan because they like to live "larger than life". What do you think he means by this? Is living "larger than life" similar to or different from #YOLO?

 He wants to live larger than life so he wont life in the past, he wants to explore the future. This is a lot like #YOLO because YOLO means you only live once, so you make the most of it. That's why its a lot alike.

 2. KK says, "I really make decisions all the time about how I want to remember myself". Do you live that way, too? What can we gain by thinking about how we want to remember ourselves, about our own impressions of who we are and the decisions we've made?

  I would do things to remember myself, but I wouldn't do anything crazy our dangerous. You can still remember yourself by doing something good or achiving something great, it doesn't have to be anything bad.

 3. KK shows an embarrassing photo of himself as a kid that his mom posted on Facebook and talks about how he asked her to take it down. "Maybe we are the first generation to understand the digital  curating ourselves... Maybe we are the first to actively even record our lives," he says. How do your friends and family members help create your digital traces? Are there things you've asked people to untag or take down?

  They takes pictures of us and save them or post them. There has been things I've asked to take down because if you look really bad you don't want every one looking at that photo.

 4. If you were to create a painting of your digital life thus far, what would it look like? What things would you want to include?

  It would probably look like a timeline of my life. I would want to include the sports I play and all my friends.

 5. KK says that he doesn't think of himself as moving forward it time. He thinks of his future moving backward toward him. As in a game, he dodges things and makes decisions as he goes. Can you think of parts of your future that are coming toward you? Things you might dodge? Things you might move toward?

I can only think of the future that is really close like the weekend. Thinking of when your older is kind of hard because you don't know what is going to happen when your older.

 6. What are three words you would use to describe the legacy you want for yourself.

    The three words I would use to describe a legacy, I want for my self would be proud, successful, and happy. The reason way is because when I'm older I want to be able to look back and be proud of what I have done with my life. Also I want a successful legacy because I don't want to be none as the girl that didn't do anything in her life. Last but not least I want a happy legacy, I don't want to be miserable throughout my life I want to be happy with what ever I'm doing.


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